Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Class Work 1/31

1.  Complete your Bibliography
     a.  Title of Web Page
     b.  Title of Article
     c.  The complete website address

2.  Share your Egypt report with me

3.  Check your grades on PowerSchool
     Follow the steps to check your grades:

     a.  Go to the class blog http://msthomaskingms.blogspot.com/ and go down to the bottom right.

     b.  Click on "PowerSchool"

     c.  Username:  firstnamelastname
          Password:   Berkeley1234567 (your student id#)

     d.  Click on the blue grade numbers, this will give you all of the assignments that contributed to             your grade.

4.  Check your new AR goal for quarter 3 - due March 31, 2017

5.  Clean out your binder

Thursday, January 26, 2017

HW 1/26

*  Kitchen assignment:  Dumpling article

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Artifact Project Due Dates

*  The artifact report is due Friday, 1/27

*  The artifact is due Friday, 2/3.  You  may turn in your artifact early starting next week (1/31 - 2/3).

*  We will host a museum of the student artifacts and reports on Friday, Feb 3rd in the library.  The museum for the morning core will be from 9:15 - 10:20 and for the afternoon 12:15 - 1:20.  Parents, staff and other 6th graders are invited.

HW 1/24/17

*  Q2 Academic Vocabulary quiz is on Friday, 1/27

*  Ancient Egypt rough draft reports are due on Friday, 1/27

*  AR goals must be met by Friday, 1/27

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

HW 1/18

*  Research NOTES only (not the artifact, not the report) due on Friday, 1/20.  We will begin to write the report on Friday.

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  (optional) book order forms + $ due on Friday, 1/20

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Egyptian Websites



HW 1/12

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  No school Monday, 1/16

*  RESEARCH NOTES are due Friday, 1/20

Monday, January 9, 2017

HW 1/9

*  Vocab set #2 forms & sentences worksheet - front & back.  QUIZ on Thursday, 1/12

*  Silent reading = 30 min + log

*  Legion of Honor field trip form + $12 = We go Wednesday, 1/11!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017

HW 1/5

*  Study your vocabulary set #2 words via your word list, vocab boxes or quizlet.

*  SSR = 30 min + log in your COBRA

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"Lost Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia"

Check out this documentary from the BBC on ancient Kush/Nubia:


HW 1/4

*  Vocabulary boxes for each of the seven words from "Egypt/Kush Vocabulary Set #2".  You  need to include the definition, synonyms or related words or examples, antonyms or opposite meanings of the word.

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  Legion of Honor field trip form + $12 + PARENT CHAPERONES

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

HW 1/3

*  Legion of Honor Fine Arts Museum field trip permission slip + $12.00.  We will go to the this museum on Wednesday, Jan. 11th.  We need PARENT CHAPERONES.  Please rsvp on the form or via email:  paulathomas@berkeley.net

*  Finish entering your new vocabulary words into quizlet and study them.

*  (optional) Extra Credit + 10 = read the article and write a one paragraph (5 - 7 sentences) summary of it.

*  SSR = 30 min + log your book

*  Bring your history textbook

Monday, January 2, 2017

Class work 1/3

1.  Go to www.quizlet.com

2.  Create a new set of vocab. cards and title them "Egypt/Kush Vocabulary Set #2"

3.  Cut and paste the words/definitions in from the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz_SmuEUinrVenB2QzFIOEFONHM/view?usp=sharing

ctrl + c = copy
ctrl + v = paste

4.  Create 9 cards = 7 words + 2 root words. You may include the different forms and pictures.

5.  Practice your words.