Tuesday, March 28, 2017

HW 3/28

*  Open house on Thursday, 3/30.
6:20 - 6:45 - Band performance
6:45 - 7:00 Ms. Levenson will speak
7:00 - 8:15 classroom visits following student schedules

*  The last day to submit LATE WORK is Thursday, 3/30.  The end of Q3 is Friday, 3/31.  AR goals must be completed by then.

*  Study Q3 academic vocabulary.  Please see the previous post with the quizlet link.

* Signposts reading log #2 due Friday, 3/31

Q3 Academic Vocabulary

1.  Go to  https://quizlet.com and sign in

2.  Use the following link:  https://quizlet.com/_39ut6r to study your academic vocabulary words for Q3

Thursday, March 23, 2017

HW 3/23

*  "Advice from our Elders" worksheet due Tuesday, 3/28

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  consent form

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

HW 3/21

*  Cal Performance photo release form with parent signature + information - please sign so that we can use the video footage taken during our drumming workshops for The Nile Project.

*  SSR = 30 min + log

Monday, March 20, 2017

HW 3/20

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  Optional book order forms & $ due Friday, 3/24

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Classwork 3/16

1.  Go to the Accelerated Reader link, bottom right corner of the blog.

2.  Take an AR quiz on Seedfolks.

3.  Check out https://quizlet.com/_38g6fo to access Seedfolks vocabulary set #2 on quizlet.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

HW 3/15

*  Continue with Signposts reading log + 30 min SSR

*  Continue to study vocab set #2 - pg. 18 - 20 in workbook + word chains

*  Vocab quiz #1 home

Monday, March 13, 2017

HW 3/13

*  Signposts reading log for the week of March 13th - 17th.  It is due on Friday, March 17th.

*  Study Vocabulary Set #2, quiz on Friday, March, 17th

Friday, March 10, 2017

HW 3/9

*  Read "Nora" pp 59 - 65

*  SSR = 20 - 30 min + log

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Seedfolks HW 3/8

Make sure you have completed the vocabulary worksheets for set #1 words, read and completed and a biographic information page for each of the following Seedfolks characters:
Sae Young

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

HW 3/7

*  Seedfolks Vocabulary set #1 crossword, pg. 5 of workbook

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  Wear college gear on Thursday, March 9th in honor of College and Career Week

Hw 3/6

*  Study vocab set #1, quiz Thursday, March 9th

*  ssr = 30 min + log

Thursday, March 2, 2017

HW 3/2

*  Complete chapter 13 & 14 worksheets on ancient India

*  SSR = 30 min + log

*  ESY Kitchen thank you's

*  (optional)  book order forms & $ due Tuesday, 3/7